Ragdoll Standard
Ragdoll Standard
Overall impression :
The Ragdoll is a massive big cat with medium bone and a muscular body. Overall, he gives a strong impression.
Head :
Shape: medium size, broadly shaped keel with a flat spot between the ears
Nose : The nose should have a slight bend in the upper third
Cheeks, muzzle, chin : Well-built faces, which develop into a rounded, well-developed muzzle and a well-developed chin
Ears :
Shape: medium sized with wide set, rounded tips
Position: set wide apart on the skull, slightly inclined forward
Eyes :
Shape : large and oval. The outer edge of the eye should form a line with the set of the ear (exact quotation of the standard given on the IG Ragdoll website - author's note)
Colour : Blue. The more intense, the better. In harmony with the colour of the body.
Short and strong.
Structure : long body, medium skeleton, muscular. Chest broad and well built. Muscular and heavy in the back. The adult cat is as broad in the shoulders as in the back.
Legs :
Medium length with medium bone. Hind legs a little longer than the front, with the topline appearing to slope forward somewhat.
Paws :
Large, round and compact with tufts of fur between the toes.
Tail :
Long, moderately strong in set, tapering somewhat towards the end , in good proportion to the body. Well furred, bushy (buschig).
Texture of the coat : medium length, dense, soft and silky in texture, lying on the body and opening (bricht) when the cat moves. The fur is longer on the neck and frames the edge of the face, giving the impression of a bib. On the face, the fur is short and extends over the shoulders to the back. It is medium to long on the sides, belly and back. On the front legs it is short to medium long.
Appearance :
Cats are noticeably smaller than males. The cat's jaw should be prominent. Development is slow.
Defects :
Head: narrow head.
Nose : stop, Roman nose
Ears: large or small ears, pointed ears
Eyes : almond-shaped
Neck: neck too long and too weak
Body: rounded body, narrow chest
Legs: short legs, splayed toes, missing tufts of hair
Tail : short tail, blunt tail
Coat: short coat ( seasonally conditioned)
Disqualification :
Eyes : Eye colour other than blue
Total 100 points
Head : together shape, nose, forehead, cheeks and muzzle bite and jaw, chin , eye shape and size 20
Ears :Shape and position 5
Eye colour 5
Body : body structure, size, skeleton 20
Feet and paws : length of feet, shape of paws 5
Tail :Shape and length 5
Coat : Colour and pattern, quality and texture, length 10
Condition 5
Recognised colour varieties
Ragdoll bicolour
Coat :
Marks : Ears, mask and tail - to be well defined. The mask must show an inverted 'V'.
Body colour :slightly lighter than the colour of the badges, white patches on the back are allowed. Belly white and without spots. White legs are preferred.
Nose mirror: pink
Paw pads : pink
Ears : white on ears
Ragdoll colourpoint
Coat :
Character colour : Ears, mask and tail - should be well coloured and harmonious with the body colour.
Nose mirror: analogous to the colour of the badges
Paw pads : analogous to the colour of the badges
Notes : (here is a reference in the German original to the common section, Himalayan badges, i.e. colourpoint colouring in general - author's note)
Coat : any white patch
Ragdoll mitted
Coat :
Markings (except paws and chin) and body colour as for colourpoints, well delineated and in harmony with body colour. White chin with or without white nose stripe (may or may not be - author's note). White gloves on the front paws, the hind paws should be all white at least to the heel and at most to the middle of the thigh. A white stripe starting on the breast passes between the forelegs through the belly to the tail.
Nose mirror: analogous to the colour of the badges
Paw pads : pink
Head: missing white chin
Legs: any dark spot on white gloves
Body: every dark spot on the abdomen, missing white stripe
In addition to these three original varieties, the NCHK recognises a colourpoint variety with white, where there is an unspecified proportion of white. This is because this variety is genetically possible, allowed in other breeds and does not cause any known genetic defects.