Professional Code of Conduct for NCHK Members
Professional Code of Conduct for NCHK Members
We are governed by the laws in force in the Czech Republic
We know the breeds we work with thoroughly, treat them with respect and understand them
We keep long-term records of the individuals we breed and their lines and we evaluate the data obtained from these records as necessary
All care of our cats is carried out with love, patience and respect for the animals
We always take a LIMA approach - Minimally intrusive and aversive
We promote the LIMA approach and introduce it to the general public
Continuous education of breeders and handlers
We always examine veterinary, training and husbandry practices in light of scientific research and only follow practices that are based on peer-reviewed and published scientific sources
We review the source materials we use in our work
We always maintain professionalism by providing our services with honesty and integrity
We treat clients with respect for their personality and needs
We value and protect the privacy of our clients
Maintain professionalism towards colleagues and professionals from other organisations