Statutes of the NCHK
Statutes of the NCHK
Statutes of the Independent Breeders Club
1. Definition, purpose and registered office of the club
Name of the Society: Independent Breeders Club (hereinafter referred to as the Society or NCHK)
Purpose of the Society: The Society is a voluntary, special interest breeders' club of breeders, owners and guardians of cats who are involved in or support AAI - Visiting Service (known as Zoo Rehabilitation).
Headquarters: Havlíčkova 590, Mladá Boleslav II, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav.
89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, with the right to act in legal relations on its own behalf, with legal and property liability arising from these relations.
It does not belong to any umbrella organisation. The association is not responsible for the litters of its members or for the data provided by members for the purpose of issuing pedigree certificates of the kittens bred.
2. Top (highest) body
The supreme (highest) body shall be the annual membership meeting convened once a year by the Registrar. The Annual General Meeting elects the Head of the Breeding Committee (executive body).
A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall consist of the presence of a majority of the members of the Society. In the event that a majority of the members of the Society is not present half an hour after the scheduled start time, the quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be the number of members present. A supermajority of the members of the Society present shall be required for a resolution at the annual membership meeting to be valid.
Each member shall have 1 vote.
Voting may also be conducted electronically. The Annual General Meeting may also take its decisions per rollam, in written form (e.g. by e-mail). The motion must include at least the draft resolution, the documents required for its consideration or an indication of where they are published, and an indication of the time limit within which the member has to express his/her views. This time limit shall not be less than 10 working days. The validity of a written vote shall be subject to a statement by the member indicating the day, month and year on which it was taken, signed in his own hand on a document containing the full text of the draft decision. The head of the herd-book shall notify the members of the association in writing or by any other appropriate means of the result of the vote and, if the resolution is adopted, of the full content of the resolution adopted. If he fails to do so without undue delay, the person who proposed the resolution may make the notification at the expense of the association. In the case of a vote by roll-call, the decision shall be adopted if a majority of all the members of the association are in favour of its adoption.
The annual general meeting shall in particular:
approve the statutes and amendments thereto,
elects the bodies of the association (head of the breeding commission / studbook),
approve the amount of the administrative fees,
decides on all other matters not reserved by these statutes,
decides on the dissolution of the NCHK and appoints a liquidator.
3. Composition of the head of the breeding committee and the statutory representative of the NCHK
The NCHK has a leading breeding committee with the following composition:
- Breed Book Officers
The statutory representative of the NCHK for public relations and in negotiations with state administration authorities
and other entities is the head of the studbook. The head of the studbook represents the association externally independently. He is elected by the officials of the Stud Book for an indefinite period.
The executive body of the association is the head of the breeding committee, which has 4 members elected by the annual membership meeting as required. The Lead Breeding Committee shall consist of: the Head of the Ragdoll and Ragamuffin Breeders' Club, the Head of the British Cat Breeders' Club, the Head of the Visiting Service (Zoo Rehabilitation) Club and the Manager of the Visiting Service (Zoo Rehabilitation). Membership of the Society's bodies shall be for an indefinite period.
They can always be removed by the parent body as necessary.
3. 1. Definition of functions
3. 1. 1. Studbook - Head of the Breeding Committee
Maintains practical records of breeders, breeding and non-breeding cats, cats intended for
cats for boning, cats being prepared for zoo rehabilitation trials (hereafter referred to as Visiting Service), cats in need of placement by NCHK, births and deaths of cats, chipping. It provides liaison with breeders organized in the NCHK and other clubs, including foreign clubs, liaison with stud books of clubs in the Czech Republic and abroad, liaison with other organizations with a similar focus, including foreign ones. Provides consent to the processing of personal data of club members and external participants of events organized by the club in case these data are necessary.
It deals with the study of heredity in the population of noble cats, ensures the control of vaccination and compliance with veterinary regulations in the breeding of NCHK members. Technically, it takes care of the registration and issuing of pedigrees, registration of cats from other clubs, registration of titles and all the agenda related to the registration of cats. In cooperation with the veterinarian, it is responsible for judging cats from NCHK and other organizations at shows and breeding.
The functionaries of the Studbook are required to pass appropriate examinations in anatomy, genetics and practical knowledge of breeding of individual breeds or species of cats. After passing such examination, they are appointed as national club judges and are authorized to judge at national and club shows. They are required to attend seminars given by other Visiting Service and Zookeeping organizations (AAA and AAT).
They are required to submit reports on their attendance at these seminars. They are also required to be present for the testing of eligibility to perform Visiting Service. They are authorised to carry out checks on individual visits in the area of Visiting Service, entry in the NCHK pedigrees including amendments. They shall ensure that contracts are drawn up with handlers and destination facilities.
The functionaries of the Studbook organise the organisation of exhibitions, traineeships, seminars of a breeding nature, unless an agreement is concluded with an external organiser.
They also arrange any other events related to breeding. The individual club managers and the zoo rehabilitation manager issue an annual report on the activities, including accounts related to these activities, if necessary extraordinary reports. The studbook manager shall compile these into a summary report.
The Studbook (Head of the Breeding Committee) shall have the following composition:
Head of the Ragdoll and Ragamuffin Breeders' Club - ensures the above activities for the Ragdoll and Ragamuffin breeds.
Head of the British Cat Breeders Club - ensures the above activity for British and other breeds with small numbers
Head of the AAI Visiting Services (Zoo Rehabilitation) Club - provides the above activities for cats and their handlers participating in the Visiting Services (Zoo Rehabilitation). She is responsible for writing contracts with handlers and target facilities.
Manager of the Visiting Service (zoo-rehabilitation) - ensures the acquisition of grants for the given area of NCHK activity and control over their use. Has the right to attend examinations for the Visiting Service and all events related to it. It has the right to promote the Visiting Service using available media and according to the laws in force in the Czech Republic. It shall issue an annual report on its activities, including accounts relating to these activities, and, if necessary, extraordinary reports.
From these, the Head of the Stud Book is elected and is the individual statutory representative of the Club in its dealings with the public and the authorities. The head of the studbook is also the club's economist, keeps or commissions the accounts and files the tax returns.
3. 1. 2. All of these positions are equally involved in the management of the club, except for representing the NCHK externally. The authority to represent the club externally shall be vested in the Studbook Manager only. However, the Head of the Studbook may authorise another member of the Head of the Breeding Committee to represent the club on the basis of a written power of attorney. If necessary, they shall have the right to call an extraordinary annual membership meeting at any time. An ordinary annual membership meeting shall be called in the first half of the following year by the Studbook. Special membership meetings may be called at any time as needed.
3. 1. 3. All such functions shall be subject to the control of the membership and any ordinary member shall have the right to control the governing bodies and their activities. All of these functions are considered part-time activities and may be paid beyond the mandatory limit of part-time hours determined at the annual membership meeting for the current calendar year.
4. Membership in the Club
Any person of good character, regardless of age, sex, nationality or citizenship, who is actively engaged in or supporting the AAI-Visit Service (zoo-rehabilitation) may become a member of the Club.
For foreign members, payment of dues and administrative fees may only be accepted
in Czech currency. Membership in the club begins with the submission of a written application and payment of the membership fee. The amount of the fee for the calendar year shall be proposed and approved by the annual membership meeting. Persons under 18 years of age may become members of the club only with the consent of their legal representatives and bear the designation Young Breeder.
5. Each member shall have the following rights:
From the age of 18 years to vote and be elected to the bodies of the club,
to participate with his/her opinions, knowledge and skills in the activities of the club,
to address the club authorities with suggestions and complaints and to ask for their opinion,
register their cats in the NCHK Studbook and register their cattery,
to breed kittens and apply for the issue and registration of pedigree and title cards for bred kittens and cats purchased from other organizations, subject to the internal regulations of the NCH and the laws in force in the Czech Republic
to be a member of other breeding entities in the Czech Republic and abroad, provided that it uses only the studbook of a single organization for the registration of its cats and kittens and the issuance of pedigree certificates for its offspring.
6. Each member has the following obligations:
to comply with the laws in force in the Czech Republic and the internal regulations of the NCHK,
actively participate in the fulfilment of the objectives of the club,
pay membership dues and administrative fees of the club approved by the annual membership meeting,
conscientiously perform functions in the club's bodies,
complete mandatory training in a minimum of breeding knowledge and cat care,
ensure that the good name of the club is not damaged,
attend annual membership meetings,
treat animals kindly and give them appropriate care in accordance with current veterinary and health regulations in force in the Czech Republic,
be fully responsible for their own breeding,
to be a member of other breeding organizations in the Czech Republic or
use only the studbook of a single organisation for the registration of their cats and cats and the issue of pedigree certificates for their offspring.
7. Relationship of NCHK to other breeding clubs
NCHK recognizes other breeding clubs and tries to cooperate with them including exchange of experience, new knowledge and participation of judges of foreign clubs at NCHK shows.
8. Cooperation with other conservation clubs, private individuals and government agencies in providing assistance to abandoned cats.
The NCHK cooperates with conservation societies and provides assistance to abandoned cats when these cats are entrusted to the NCHK for rehoming by former owners, sold by former owners or entrusted to shelters under the provisions of Section 13(2) of Act No. 246/1992 Coll., on the protection of animals against cruelty, or entrusted for rehoming by the competent state authority. Assistance means integrating such animals into the kennels of NCHK members or finding a new owner for these animals. This may also include finding the original owner of the animal originally found (see registration of cats in the NCHK Stud Book). In no case is it about setting up shelters.
9. Cooperation between NCHK and veterinarians
NCHK cooperates with veterinarians and follows the applicable veterinary and sanitary regulations in the Czech Republic and other countries.
10. NCHK logo, flag and club documents
NCHK has its own logo and official club documents.
11. Rights and obligations of the NCHK
- NCHK has the rights and obligations to organize shows of all types and to promote breeding
and protection of cats and the Visiting Service while maintaining its independence and sovereignty.
- The NCHK has the right to enable its members to breed and protect cats internationally, while having the right to tighten veterinary conditions compared to the normal regulations in force in the Czech Republic.
in case of necessity due to a change in the disease situation in a given region.
12. Club animals
All club animals have registration cards with records of vaccinations, deworming, chipping and health records. In the event of any infectious disease, it is the responsibility of NCHK members to report the situation immediately. It is forbidden to exhibit such cats, breed them, sell them or participate in zoo rehabilitation. If the disease is incurable but not transmissible to humans, it is the responsibility of the breeder to ensure that the cats live a dignified and fulfilling life. It is also compulsory to vaccinate all club cats according to the current veterinary regulations in the Czech Republic.
The Club is entitled to manage the funds raised by:
from NCHK administrative fees / membership fees, registration of animals, display
registration of cats, issuance and registration of pedigree cards, compulsory training, compulsory participation in shows, etc. /,
from the organisation of exhibitions and other events with a breeding character or related to the promotion of zoo-rehabilitation,
from donations and grants.
The management of these funds is carried out by the head of the NCHK breeding committee (head of the studbook). The accounts are kept in accordance with the tax and financial laws in force
The management is subject to control by the head of the breeding commission.
The financial resources of the club are mainly used for the following purposes:
ensuring the club's functions and fulfilling the club's objectives,
to support the systematic work with children and young people in breeding clubs under Children and Youth Homes or Primary Schools,
improving the quality of life of the animals kept / irregular benefits in kind for the animals, contributions for vaccinations, contributions for vitamin preparations, contributions for genetic tests and other professional examinations
implementation of the Visiting Service and its promotion,
facilitating breeding and cooperation on an international professional level / purchase of professional domestic and foreign literature and breeding cats or cats or purchase of cats suitable for the Visiting Service breeding, cooperation with domestic and foreign experts in the field of veterinary medicine, genetics and biochemistry, cooperation with domestic and foreign judges /.
14. Termination of membership
Membership in the club is terminated,
if a member wishes to leave the NCHK, after submitting a written resignation to the Stud Book,
in case of a gross violation of the NCHK breeding regulations or ethical standards
/abuse, inadequate care, threat of communicable disease, sale to dealers or for experimental purposes, registration of breeding animals in the studbooks of two different organizations, violation of internal NCHK agreements on breed protection /,
death of a member,
dissolution of the club without a legal successor.
15. The dissolution of the club
By merger with another club by decision of the annual membership meeting, or by decision of the annual membership meeting to dissolve, if decided by a supermajority of the NCHK members attending the meeting after all financial obligations of the club have been settled and any creditors have been satisfied,
by dissolution, based on a final decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic.
16. Final Provisions
An independent breeders' club may, on the basis of a decision of the annual members' meeting, issue rules of organisation and procedure of the club.
The Independent Breeders' Club shall have the right to petition the state authorities in accordance with the objectives of its activities.
The bylaws were approved by the annual membership meeting on May 18, 2019.
In Mlada Boleslav, on 18 May 2019