Standard of RagaMuffin (CFA)
Head (40 points)
BODY (30 points)
COAT (10 pts)
Coat Texture (10 pts)
Behaviour (5 pts)
Condition (5 points)
Shape/Size: The head is shaped like a wide modified wedge with a rounded appearance. The forehead should be slightly rounded. The head is of medium size, in pleasing proportion to the body; its appearance is softened by the surrounding hair. The muzzle is rounded, slightly shorter than medium length, emphasising the width of the head. The whisker pads are pronounced, resulting in the characteristic 'sweet look' of the RagaMuffin. The cheeks are full.
Profile: In profile, the chin is round; the dorsum of the nose gives a flowing impression with a slight concave bend, the stop is undesirable, and flows gracefully into a slight, convex bend in the forehead and top of the head.
Neck: The neck is short, heavy and strong, especially in older males. In adult males, stocky is appreciated.
Ears: The ears should be set harmoniously on the sides of the head with good spacing between the ears. The ears are of medium size, slightly inclined forward, rounded, with fine hair, in a pleasant proportion to the head. The tufts of hair growing from inside the auricle are loose.
Eyes: Large, walnut-shaped and expressive, medium wide set, a slight oriental corner of the eye is allowed. The more intense the eye colour, the better. Lighter eye colour in dilute specimens is allowed. The eye colour requirements are as follows:
Coat colour and patterns:
Colourpoint : Blue eyes.
Mink : Green, blue/green, green/blue, aqua, blue, including each eye of a different colour
Sepia : Gold, green, gold/green to green/gold, including each eye a different colour
Solid colours (including silver) : All colours, including each eye a different colour
Note: The walnut shaped eye is best seen at eye level. When viewed from above, with the cat looking up, the eye appears round.
Body and tail:
Body: Body: Rectangular in shape, broad chest and broad shoulders, moderate muscling of the hind legs, with the hind legs as broad as the shoulders. There should be a fat pad in the lower abdomen. These cats are well muscled. The spine or ribs should not be visible or palpable to the eye. They reach full maturity at four years of age, when the Ragamuffin can sometimes be described as a Rubens type.
Tail: Long, in pleasing proportion to the body. It is fully furred, similar in appearance to a chocholla or soft chocholla, moderately long at the tip with a slight taper.
Legs and paws: The legs should have strong bones, be of medium to medium length, with the hind legs slightly longer than the forelegs, but in proportion to the body. The paws should be large and round, capable of supporting the weight of the cat, with tufts under and between the toes desirable.
The coat should be of medium to medium length. The texture should be soft, dense and silky. Texture varies slightly according to colour. The length of the coat should be slightly longer around the neck and outer edges of the face, giving the impression of a collar, and should increase from the top of the head down over the shoulder blades and back, with medium to medium length on the sides and belly. The hair on the forelegs is dense and short to medium in length. The hair on the hind legs is medium to medium-long, with a shaggy ruff (called 'knickers') on the hind legs.
Any colour and pattern with or without white is acceptable. Any amount of white is allowed, e.g. white spots on the paws, back, chest or belly; flame, medallion, white tail tip, etc. The degree of symmetry, whether in the pattern or in the white spots, is not important. The skin on the nose and pads on the paws are accepted in all colours and in any colour combination not necessarily related to the colour of the coat. Cats with white paws may have pink paw pads or may be bi-coloured or multi-coloured. Darkening of the body is allowed for older cats; lighter or incomplete markings are allowed for kittens and young cats.
Tolerant: The RagaMuffin is known as an easy cat to handle, even with strangers. While some RagaMuffins may become agitated by their surroundings and growl a bit; however, they should never attempt to bite or scratch a judge or handler. Such behavior is considered aggressive and results in immediate disqualification, lifetime if repeated.
Slight deviations from the standard allowed
Head: Delicate features in females; underdeveloped eye colour in young cats, especially minks.
Body: Underdeveloped fat pad in young cats; lower weight in young, whole cats; finer skeleton in females.
Coat: Missing or short hair in cats and kittens; short hair on legs of medium-haired cats; seasonal changes in coat length and colour; darkening of body in older cats.
Preference: affectionate nature and deep eye colour.
Note: NCHK follows this standard.